Latest Documents
18 February 2020
Response to OfS T-grant savings consultation
Making the case for ambitious and forward-thinking investment in high-cost, high-quality teaching provision.
29 July 2019
Social mobility briefing
Russell Group universities are working hard to ensure all students have equal opportunities to access the benefits of higher education.
04 June 2019
Briefing on the Augar report
The Russell Group's latest briefing on the report published by the review of post-18 education funding.
28 May 2019
Review of post-18 funding - latest briefing
Reports suggest the Prime Minister’s review of post-18 education and funding could recommend cutting tuition fees from £9,250 to £7,500.
23 May 2019
Informed Choices pupil survey
The Russell Group is relaunching its guide for Year 10 and 11 pupils on subject choice to study at sixth form or college and how it relates to their future study and careers.
12 October 2018
Office for Students consultation on regulating access and participation
Russell Group response to the consultation on regulating access and participation.
27 September 2018
Post-18 Education Review briefings
Evidence submitted to the Post-18 Education Review led by Philip Augar.
14 September 2018
OfS data strategy
The Russell Group wants to see the OfS create a risk-based data strategy, focusing on sustainability and timeliness.
08 August 2018
Five-point plan on access
Russell Group calls on Office for Students to allow universities to set longer-term strategies for increasing the number of students from under-represented groups.
03 July 2018
Evidence and Impact Exchange
Russell Group responds to Office for Students consultation.
Out of hours media enquiries
020 3816 1316
Dr Tim Bradshaw
020 3816 1300