Latest Statements
01 February 2021
Russell Group response to student-led proposals to champion campus free speech
Proposals include a new code for students’ unions on political diversity and freedom of expression
21 January 2021
Russell Group response to Government’s interim response to review of post-18 education and funding
Dr Tim Bradshaw responds to the interim Government response to the Augar review
07 January 2021
Russell Group statement on ensuring fair assessment and protecting the integrity of degrees
24 leading UK universities publish joint statement
19 November 2020
New analysis shows declining funding for undergraduate teaching
Classroom-based courses as well as lab-based subjects are operating at a loss, threatening the UK's future skills base
11 November 2020
Sustainable funding for higher education
Russell Group issues briefing on the future of funding for universities
03 July 2020
Russell Group response to new regulatory condition announced by the Office for Students
Russell Group responds to the introduction of new rules designed to protect the stability and integrity of the higher education sector
02 June 2020
Russell Group responds to limits on student numbers
Today the Department for Education released guidance on student number controls
06 June 2018
CUC Remuneration Code
Response to the Committee of University Chairs' guidance on senior remuneration.
21 May 2018
Blog: Subject-level TEF consultation
Subject-level TEF aims at clarity but risks confusing prospective students.
02 March 2018
Framework for autonomy?
Russell Group Chief Executive on the unanswered questions about England's new HE regulator