Response to the Science & Technology Committee Inquiry on Research & Innovation Funding

12 October 2018

Russell Group universities are drivers of place-based innovation and deliver impact well beyond their local economies. UKRI should ensure it makes best use of the Science and Innovation Audits and other tools to identify and map areas of genuine excellence across the UK and ensure they are funded appropriately.

The UK’s science and research base is a national asset and it is imperative that publiclyfunded research remains sustainable in order to ensure the long-term health of R&D in the UK. A holistic approach to university funding, which recognises the links between teaching and research and innovation is needed.

The dual support system plays an essential part in sustaining research of the highest quality, ensuring the UK’s leading universities remain internationally competitive. UKRI should ensure Quality-Related (QR) research funding is strongly supported alongside challenge-based funding. We also support increased funding for equivalent streams in the devolved nations.

Research & Innovation Funding Inquiry response


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  • Stephanie Smith

    020 3816 1310

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