Submission on the Government's Science and Innovation Strategy consultation

30 June 2014

Our universities lead the world in producing excellent research – we should aim to secure this position of strength for the long-term, maintaining our international competitiveness and paving the way for future economic growth.

We must be able to attract and retain private investment in R&D and the best talent, both of which are increasingly mobile internationally.

Our world-class universities are anchors for growth in their regions and should be considered as strategic assets for the UK around which advances in research and future business growth can be catalysed.

To remain competitive and position the UK strongly for the future, investment in R&D as a proportion of GDP needs to increase substantially: first by increasing investment in world-class basic research and then ensuring UK investment in innovation and commercialisation matches levels seen in our nearest European competitors.

EU funding is not just an added bonus, but a vital part of university research funding. The new science and innovation strategy must commit to ensuring that full access to EU funding through Horizon 2020 and other research, innovation and skills initiatives is maximised and maintained for the long-term.

Submission to the RCUK-Funding Councils Science and Innovation Strategy consultation

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