Go8 and Russell Group issue joint statement on responsible stewardship of research

12 April 2022

Leading research-intensive universities in the UK and Australia today (April 12) reaffirmed their shared support for responsible stewardship of research.

In a joint statement, the Group of Eight (Go8) and the Russell Group pledged to continue to work with their respective Governments and security agencies on pragmatic, risk-based measures to protect future international collaborations while allowing both nations to participate as global leaders in research.

The joint statement can be found below:

Research drives the prosperity of modern, engaged, successful countries and will be critical to finding effective solutions to the challenges increasingly impacting societies across the globe, such as climate change, food and water security, global pandemics, antibiotic resistance, and the ethical use of emerging technologies such as AI and machine learning, among others.

The Go8 and the Russell Group produce a range of high-quality, world class research that addresses these challenges and underpins the success and prosperity of both our nations.

We recognise that, like any other valuable asset, this research, and the collaborations that drive it need to be protected from rapidly evolving threats in a complex global environment.

The Go8 and Russell Group has today pledged to work with our respective Governments and security agencies to continue developing effective and risk-based measures to protect future international collaborations, prevent unnecessarily restrictive measures and ensure our respective nations remain open to the world.

We will continue to work together to support the prosperity of our nations, and our partner nations, around the world.

Notes to editor

The Russell Group represents 24 leading UK universities. We believe people and ideas are the key to meeting global challenges. Through world-class research and education we are helping to create a dynamic economy, stronger communities and a better future for the UK.

The Group of Eight (Go8) comprises Australia’s leading research-intensive universities. It is focussed on, and is a leader in, influencing the development and delivery of long-term sustainable national higher education and research policy, and in developing elite international alliances and research partnerships.

The Go8 and the Russell Group are their country’s key representative body for world-class research intensive universities, with the eight members of the Go8 accounting for more than 70 per cent of Australia’s university research activity, and, comparably, the 24 members of the Russell Group producing 68 per cent of the UK’s university research activity.

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