EHRC report on tackling racial harassment

23 October 2019

Responding to the EHRC report, ‘Tackling racial harassment - universities challenged’, Chief Executive of the Russell Group Dr. Tim Bradshaw said:

“The findings of this sobering report cannot be ignored and I would like to thank the EHRC and the many individuals who shared their experiences for helping bring timely attention to this issue. Whether we mean outright prejudice or less obvious micro-aggressions, racism in every form is an affront to the values of respect, inclusion and progressive thinking that are held dear across UK universities.

“Russell Group universities, along with many others, are working hard to get to grips with this problem. Every Russell Group university has recently reviewed their complaints procedures, is currently examining their processes or will do so now. Among the reforms being implemented are the introduction of new reporting tools to make it easier for individuals to register incidents, additional training for university staff on how to best support those who experience racial harassment, along with a range of interventions aimed at fostering a safe and inclusive culture, such as unconscious bias training and anti-racism and anti-harassment campaigns. However, we agree entirely with the EHRC that there is more that needs to be done. Their report will help inform these vital and continuing efforts.”

The full report is available to read on the EHRC website.

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