Latest Statements
23 June 2016
'Mock' TEF
Robust and credible teaching quality measures take time to develop; attempts to predict the results show the difficulties.
24 March 2016
Changes to skilled worker visas
Universities are different from other businesses – their core mission is to create knowledge, innovate and educate and we are pleased the Government has recognised this important distinction in changes to skilled worker visas.
25 January 2016
Response to the HE Green Paper
The Russell Group has submitted a response to the Government’s Green Paper ‘Fulfilling our potential: teaching excellence, social mobility and student choice.
19 January 2016
Review of skilled migration
We are very disappointed with some of the Migration Advisory Committee's recommendations which would penalise universities for their success in bringing the world’s most talented people to the UK.
16 December 2015
Stern Review of research funding
The REF recognises and rewards the very highest levels of research. We are encouraged by the intention to reduce burden but we would have concerns if this resulted in dilution of its rigour and international reputation.
25 November 2015
Spending Review 2015
We welcome the Government's commitment to maintain the research budget and funding for teaching high-cost subjects in real terms, and the extension of student loans to postgraduates.
19 November 2015
Response to the Nurse Review
We welcome Sir Paul's call to preserve the science ring-fence and dual support system. Investment in excellent science, research and innovation is so important but the UK spends much less on research than our competitors
06 November 2015
Higher Education Green Paper
Russell Group universities provide an outstanding education for students and make huge efforts to improve access for the most disadvantaged students. We look forward to responding in detail to these proposals.
04 August 2015
World at One interview about teaching excellence
Dr Wendy Piatt, discusses teaching excellence and quality assurance at Russell Group universities with the BBC's Mark Mundell in light of the creation of a "Teaching Excellence Framework" by the Government.
24 July 2015
HEFCE changes open access policy
Changes to HEFCE's open access policy will ease the administrative burden on staff in our universities.