Latest Statements
21 February 2018
Proposed changes to the USS
The Russell Group publishes a statement on proposed changes to the USS pension scheme
09 February 2018
Office for Students consultation responses
Ahead of the launch of the Office for Students, the Russell Group has responded to several consultations.
12 January 2018
Russell Group vice chancellor pay
Our Chief Executive comments on the latest analysis of vice chancellor pay levels.
10 January 2018
Higher Education Remuneration Code
Responding to the launch of Committee of University Chairs consultation.
18 December 2017
Blog: OfS regulatory framework
Our head of policy Sarah Stevens blogs on the Office for Students (OfS) regulatory framework.
13 December 2017
University senior pay
Russell Group comment following meeting with Jo Johnson MP, UUK and CUC on senior pay.
08 September 2017
Next phase of TEF
Minister to announce changes in next phase of TEF
28 July 2016
Stern Report on the REF
We are pleased that Lord Stern has not suggested a major overhaul of the REF and made suggestions which could help to minimise its burden.
28 July 2016
Open Research Data Concordat
Openness is increasingly important in terms of research and scientific data and will help to maximise the impact of our world-class research.
05 July 2016
EU referendum statement
Our Chair and Director General have issued a joint statement on the consequences of voting to leave the European Union.