Quality assurance

29 June 2015

Commenting on the release of a consultation on future approaches to quality assurance, Director General Dr Wendy Piatt said:

“The UK’s world-leading universities are committed to providing an outstanding student experience where teaching is enhanced by world-class research and facilities. A new quality assurance (QA) regime should be risk-based, proportionate and light-touch, and reward high quality institutions. So we are encouraged by many of the proposals included in this consultation.

“However we have some concerns about some of the proposals and we are keen to engage with the discussion on finding the best way to improve the current system without losing some of its strengths.  It is important that any new or adapted QA system must genuinely reduce the regulatory burden on high-performing institutions, and continue to protect the UK higher education brand. Institutional autonomy and academic freedom are essential components of the success of the UK's universities.”

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